The Twists and Turns

Three years ago, I met my husband in San Francisco. Tonight, we’ll celebrate in Santiago. Gotta love the twists and turns in the road. Because you really never know…

On the One in California.

When you’ll meet someone important to the rest of your life.

Who will be in the room or the bookstore or the party when you walk in.

The path to Año Nuevo State Preserve.

When you’ll pack it all up and set out for the next adventure.

Who will change you.

This and the rest from a memorable day in June, 2009.

Whose life you will have the opportunity to affect.

What is up around the bend.


Where your next favorite song, city, meal, book, or memory will come from.

Who might help you or need your help.



What might break your heart, or melt it.

When things just won’t work, no matter how hard you try. And that you’ll still be okay afterwards.



What will knock the sense and the gratitude back into you when you’ve let them slip.

When you’ll decide the BS really is over.



When you’ll have to start again.

Where you’ll pull over on the side of the road just to explore.



What you’ll look back on when you leave a place.

When you’ll be ready.



Whose love or friendship will last.

Where the next taco stand is.



When you’ll see everyone in your family in the same room again.

Where the next detour will actually take you.



And who you’ll get to share it all with along the way. Thanks for an incredible three years, Hubs. I’m ever so grateful you were sitting at that bar when I walked in.



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